Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thing 8: Communication - Web 2.0 Style

Online communication is one of my favorite web tools.
IM, instant messaging can be distracting when the message box pops up when you are in the middle of something. Nevertheless I can see the advantage of this tool for the reference staff for receiving queries. Ask a librarian is very much like instant messaging because in occurs in real time though the Ask a Librarian toolbox is enhanced with all the bells and whistles that enhance our refernce services such as links to the patrons home library and databases and the ability to 'push' a screen to the patron. I also see the value of IM for discreet communications with staff. For example, you may find yourself with a problem patron and need to communicate to staff to call 911 and locate the PIC immediately. An IM would be broadcast to all the staff computers communicating the need and the level of response.

Text messaging
I find text messaging is a useful tool, especially when it is enabled to communicate between a PC and a cell phone. I imagine that we could text patrons' cell phones who are interested in a program for which they are registered.

Web Conferencing
We conferencing is the ideal tool for group projects to be carried out when participants are in remote locations. I imagine that our library district will be able to save thousands in fuel cost once we enable this function. Of course each branch will need a camera and mike mounted to a PC and I know that the interaction between participants will lack the synergy of having everyone in the same room, nevertheless, this tool can aleviate the hundreds of repeated trips made by those dedicated to serve on comittees.

I have tried twitter and found it too unidimensional. I prefer using facebook to chat because it provides a more interesting communication between a group of people using multiple formats such as instant messaging, posting on a board, private emailing, image sharing and the ability to network through our diverse groups of friends.

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