Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thing 3

I found technocrati a bit of a bear to maneuver. Searching for hometown blogs on technocrati was futile whereas google blog search returned some interesting results. I generally do not care to read blogs unless I am bored and have nothing better to do. In the past, I searched blogs through my RSS feed account in order to populate the reader with blogs I might find interesting such as librarian blogs. I did not find either Technocrati or Google blog search as helpful as a search performed through the RSS reader.

Monday, January 26, 2009

future of technology

In today's gainesville Sun was an article titled $200 laptops which explored the ways our economic crash is restructuring technology. One of the items mentioned was "software services (called cloud computing) and virtualization, which lets companies run more software on each physical server, are on the rise." Okay...what the heck is all that about?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

ruminations on 2.0

Thingy Two:

My favorite explanation about the nature of 2.0 came from a Emerging Technology workshop workshop I attended in 2007 which defined 2.0 as:

The dynamic version of the web, servers apply continual uploads. Google earth used to load a static page but now provides AJAX or asynchronous uploads keeping the pages dynamic and freshly loaded.

Note that today’s phones, laptops and other web-ready devices have ISP and GPS making them ‘presence-aware’ recognizing user location and history, pushing user/location specific products/services

examples of 2.0 tools are:
* Wiki's, contributions of users are intrinsic to it's functionality, useful for reference
* Blogs promote discourse
* Web Syndication, alternate forms of requesting information, ex. RSS feeds
*Web Service API, provides the ability to in-bed a program with an electronic document/website to add functionality such as's uses of google-earth
* Bookmark tagging: helps tag favorites, clustering them for further retrieval.
* RSS an informational pushing and 'feed' tool helps provide news feeds from select sources. Tow has google reader RSS account feeding library information
* Mashups blend of several types of software, creating aggregates that go beyond the intended use of the original software. SEE Yahoo pipes at:
* flikr and delicious other social software potentially useful to promote library
* > spyware rogue lists of sites that PRETEND to be spyware yet are in fact TROUBLE.
* Mashup’s are blends of software used in unintended purpose. For example see

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why Webe

It rhymes with 23
It's also a play on the words 'we be'
The message is that 'we be' learning the 2.0 tools

Thingy One

I want to be more creative with my blog. I want color, pizzazz and entertaining content. So far I have not had much time to play and I need to play catch up with my co-workers. It's great to see their blogs and all their creativity out there. I am really proud of them all, some are avowed technophobes yet they are participating.

I must admit to feeling a bit tired with blogging and these tools. I was trying them out two years ago. Nevertheless, I see there are new ways to experiment with these tools so I must make an effort.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Getting started

I wanted to get a jump on the 23 things project because I want to be able to help other staff with this project. Right off the bat I discovered something that I do not like about this blogging tool. Blogger requires that we have a gmail account. Fortunately I have one but I do not like that this is a requirement to sign up with Blogger.